Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I will never understand why the folks in clothing design can't get their act together. And I know most of you out there will have no sympathy for me whatsoever when I talk about this.

For many many years, I've been a size 6 on every part of my body. Shoes. Clothes. Rings. Probably my hat size, too. Made life simple for the husband.

But for the last year, my Lee jeans have been tight on me. And even though I can see some tummy flatness, I swear, my jeans keep getting harder to button. Part of me thinks the husband has somehow managed to shrink them, and I've asked him to keep them out of the dryer. He does not listen to me. I may have to bite the bullet and go up to a size 8.

However, I want to buy some nicer, non-denim pants for an upcoming trip and to have for church and stuff. On Sunday, I put on a pair of black dress pants, size 6, and they fit perfectly. Even a little room at the waist. In fact, all of my dress pants fit just fine.

So why can't my jeans fit as well?

I live in sweats, but I'm trying to get out of that mentality. I think that's one reason why the weight came on. In sweats I couldn't tell how my weight changed, but when I was wearing jeans every day, I knew if there was an extra ounce. I figure if I wear my jeans more, I'll be more aware. It seems to help. I'm also more uncomfortable.

I haven't been writing down my food intake since Lent, largely because my eating is more controlled right now. Yesterday I was out with girlfriends. There was a table food of snack foods. I had some wine, nothing else. I wasn't even tempted. I'm drinking a lot more water lately, too. Yesterday I was feeling really good, loved the way my body looked, until I put on my jeans.

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